Leibster Award

Hey, hey, hey, it’s Tag Tuesday today and I’ll be doing the Leibster Award which Kate from All the Trinkets nominated me for. But wait, first let us take a moment to appreciate the amazingess Kate is. She’s got creativity running through her veins forget blood and she’s super talented at melting hearts just go stalk her comments on blogs and overall a very very very you get the point wonderful friend of mine who writes inspirational posts like life lessons from a chicken and shares her art and passion with the world seriously who doesn’t want to shed a tear whilst gazing at her Instagram feeds?


  • Thank the person(s) who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  • Answer the 11 questions they gave you.
  • Nominate 11 blogs and let them know they’ve been tagged.
  • Give them 11 questions to answer.


What was the best blogging moment you’ve had so far? (because let’s face it: y’all gonna have even more amazing blogging moments in the future! <3)

Having people leave comments on your blog that really engages with what you’ve written. It just leaves me feeling like WOW you actually read every single word *heart melts* Some amazing bloggers who possess the power to melt me are Kate, Elm and AnnaI’m also really sentimental and end up screenshotting them

What do you hope to achieve in a year?

Learn to be okay with myself despite my flaws, acknowledge my strengths and not let go of hope no matter what set backs I face.

What’s something people usually call of as a myth or impossible that you honestly believe is or can be true?

Please don’t kill my dreams but Surely Camp Half-Blood has to exist somewhere? Like the number of times I’ve visited somewhere I’m sure Unicorn Kate can back me on this  and thought damn this looks like Poseidon’s cabin or I could imagine Nico chilling here…

What’s a trait of yours that you hated when you were younger but you’ve grown to love now?

Not being able to think on the spot because that often leaves me giving meaningless answers just for the sake of appearing coherent.

The best book you’ve read this year? (I know it’s hard but JUST ONE, MKAY?)

*gives Kate an are you kidding me glare* Is she aware of how much offence my books are going to take I DON’T NEED A BOOK REVOLT ON MY SHELVES Uh I reread Fear by Michael Grant and I still love it plus the spine of the cover has a quill on it.

Update: I just began reading Never Say Die by Anthony Horowitz and I’m loving the return of Alex Rider seriously at seventeen I  can only dream of possessing his skills and ability to be an amazing spy

A recent TV show you regretted binge watching?

I have this voice inside my head that always grumbles about how I’m wasting time yet I still procrastinate when I could be reading a book or drawing if I’m not really into the show I’m binge watching. That means I tend to abandon the show very quickly; sometimes I only make it as far as the trailer.  Two shows come to mind that I gave up on. One was Stalker because it just stopped being interesting and I no longer looked forward to the next episode, and the other was Orange is the New Black where I gave up after two episodes. It totally wasn’t up my street even though the synopsis made it seem so.

A song you love that’s in a language you don’t fully understand?

I have this habit of listening to Spanish and French songs and then having them on repeat because I become so obsessed with them. Did I mention I don’t really have any understanding of these languages not even VAGUELY.

I think currently Mi Gente by Balvin and Willy wouldn’t it be cool it if was Wonka Williams. No wait, I’ve just started listening to Si Tu La Ves by Nicky Jam so maybe that…

Bloggers who inspire you to be a better blogger?

Oh gosh, there are SO many I don’t even know where to begin!

Elm for being there, you know just being there regardless of whether you get an email back the next minute or in a couple hundred months. For not caring how much her compassion seeps through and for just being a lovely lovely human being who talks honestly on her blog.

Kate for being down to fangirl over literally everything and then proceed to freak out over how much we twin forget coincidental happenings it’s cause we’re tied by our unicorn powers and how she is always cheerleading me on whilst being fabulous herself there’s so much about you to be jealous about

Anna for her ability to make pretty graphics that look cool and also be naturally funny and show her quirkiness in every single post

Ilsa for her undying love for reading, her sense of humour, her beautiful graphic designs, her ability to write essay comments that leave you feeling like you’re a damn empress

The Mango Queen for loving mangoes and being so funny and thoughtful and super creative. For using different fonts, and sizes and never letting her wit, creativity or sense of sarcasm die. I’m only a tiny bit jealous of your amazing personality and amusing posts that I can’t get enough of.

Tanya for the way she uses words to try and bring about change whether that be in one person’s thought process or a couple hundred hearts

What’s a cliché quote or saying that you follow wholeheartedly? (Don’t worry, I wont judge)

I can actually be real cheesy at times if you know know me but that’s irrelevant right

be somebody that makes everyone feel like a somebody ღ

An endangered animal you want to save?

Snow Leopards

And these are my boring eleven questions for my nominees:

  1. What is one word in another language that you adore?
  2. If you could select one landmark I don’t know if that’s the right word for it, but I mean like literally any building, or house or garden you’ve stumbled across and thought ooh if only I lived near it and move it to your town, which one would it be?
  3. If you could play any instrument, which would you choose?
  4. What fictional book, movie, tv show world that we become helplessly addicted to do you want to be apart of?
  5. What’s your favourite flower?
  6. Would you choose immortality?
  7. If you were to leave a legacy behind, what would yours be? aside from being a kick ass blogger
  8. Current song obsession is….
  9. Something you should never try is…
  10. What is your dream car?
  11. Who are the people you look up to in the blogging world? Cause come on, let’s spread some love!

Annnnnnd I nominate the following bloggers:


girl masked 

peanut butter and books

I admit I did a bit of new amazing blogger stalking research for my nominees and in the process I found some new blogs to fangirl over.

Have a wonderful day

18 thoughts on “Leibster Award

  1. Chloe Lauren says:

    Awesome answers and congrats on the nomination you completely deserve It. I remember the first time we spoke because of commen you left on my blog. I think I have strayed a bit and have lost my way a bit with blogging but you are one of the people who inspire me to do better. I always remember that comment. It made me so happy and as though someone cared. You had such an affect on me so yeah you deserve this. I’m sorry if I havent spoken much in a while but will try harder to do so 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    • flawed_silence says:

      Aw thank you so much Chloe 💜 I totally remember how we met. I found your blog so inspiring I had to leave you a comment and bless you responded and we went back and forth and honestly I was just like Chloe is amazing. You didn’t have to take the time to respond so thoroughly to all my comments but you did. And I love that quality in a blogger and you inspired me greatly. Chloeeee your words mean so much, I’m so glad it had that effect on you, and seeing your Twitter feed mentioning how you’d saved my comment, that touched me so much. My email is always open – we should definitely catch up. I’m so unreliable on twitter. thank you for this comment 💜


  2. Kate says:

    I melt your heart, you say. Mine’s a constant blushing puddle because of you 😆💕
    But OMG I shall totally back you up with seeing Camp Half Blood every-freakin-where!!! I do that too! Like there’s this building I always pass by that’s called Eros Group or something and I’m nervous because look at what he did to Nico
    I see French songs and I swear our unicorn-powers-induced twinning is at work again Kiya!!! I’ll give the Spanish songs a try too! 😁
    (PS. I know I’ve said this before but IT’S SO GOOD TO SEE YOU HERE AGAAAAAIN! 🙌💗)

    Liked by 1 person

  3. thegeckoonline says:

    I love those questions (how can I choose just one fictional world to be a part of?), I am definitely looking forward to doing them!

    (And I found someone who listens to songs in different languages (Spanish songs are good!))

    Liked by 1 person

    • flawed_silence says:

      Aw thanks. I tried to be as creative as my brain allowed (which isn’t a lot). OMG I can totally relate to that rhetoric – you just can’t…but I was feeling a little evil and wanted to cause some inner turmoil mwahaha NO I’M KIDDING I was just really curious what everyone’s final verdict would be

      (Yes yes they are so catchy bouncy and lovely to listen to)

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Ilsa @ A Whisper Of Ink says:

    ‘be somebody that makes everyone feel like a somebody’ I LOVE THAT QUOTE. I’ve never heard it before but it so hearts warming and perfect with the right amount of cheesy.
    Snow leopards ❤ ALL THE LOVE. What's your favourite animal?

    AND OMGGGG thanks for putting my blog up there. Love Kate Elm and of course The Mango Queen! Congrats on the award!

    Liked by 1 person

    • flawed_silence says:

      I LOVE THAT QUOTE TO and I think it’s one everyone can abide by and it’ll definitely cause less tears in the world. I have to find out who coined that quote. [I’m not gonna lie I love heart warming things and I’m also quite cheesy at times]

      My favourite animal has got to be dolphins. I just love the oceans and seas and dolphins seem so free as they leap into the air and into sea. What about you?

      YOU’RE WELCOME 💜 Honestly if I had to recommend a blog or discuss amazing blogs, I would be fangirling over yours amongst others in a heartbeat.


  5. May @ Forever and Everly says:

    AWWW IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY THAT I INSPIRE YOU!!! ❤ ❤ Wow, "be somebody that makes everyone feel like a somebody" is a GORGEOUS quote and yes yes yes be human and loving and kind and compassionate. ❤ And I also hope to be able to love myself for who I am, despite my flaws and weaknesses. You're a wonderful person, Kiya, so I hope you'll be able to achieve that goal as well! And yes yes yes to Camp Halfblood like I REFUSE THAT THERE IS NOT A CAMP HALFBLOOD IN THIS WORLD OKAY. Thank you so much for nominating me! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • flawed_silence says:

      AND IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY THAT YOU INSPIRING ME MAKES YOU HAPPY 💜💜 (gosh this chain could go on for a while). Gosh I love how you’ve summed up that quite nicely for me. You’ve said it so matter of fact like YES IT’S SIMPLE AS THAT to be human. Yes, you are amazing with your flaws and strengths. Love your perfect imperfections 💗 Aw thank you so much for your support. YOUR comments always leave me smiling and I appreciate the time you take so much 💜

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Ana Regina says:

    This post was *says it singing* A-MA-ZING!! 😀 ❤
    I loved your answers, you won't believe it (or most probably yes) but may fave book is The Maze Runner, I'm just obsessed! Can't believe I haven't watched the movie yet. 😛
    And omg there's so many songs in this language I don't understand, most of the time I just reproduce the sound I hear *you can imagine how stupid I may sound* or just read the lyric cause otherwise I can't!!!! 😛
    And argh, I swear you're the sweetest person in the WORLD!! Thank you so much for the things you said about me, it really means the world!!! ❤ I also really admire your blog and how you write your posts and poems, you really put love in what you do!! 🙂 You're very friendly and very loyal and I've had a lot of fun when collabing with you the times we did!! I'M SO HAPPY TO BE YOUR FRIEND!!!! 😀 ❤


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